Why Fall is the Grilling Seasons After Party

Did you know seven out of ten Americans own a grill? It’s fair to say that in the current atmosphere of polarization, Americans can still agree about the great taste of a barbeque.

You might think it’s time to say goodbye to cooking out until next spring because fall is here. Not so fast! Grilling season doesn’t end when summer does.

Do you want to know more about fall grilling? Our guide will tell you why you should keep the coals burning.

Tailgate Time

Fall means the end of hot temperatures and days by the pool. It also means football season.

Americans love college and professional football, and we love to tailgate. Firing up the grill for a parking lot tailgate party or a Sunday party at home is reason number one why you shouldn’t put that grill away for the year.

Classic tailgate foods like hamburgers and hot dogs all taste better from the grill. You can also expand your tailgate repertoire with smoked brats or kielbasa. Gather up the boys, some beers, and get the game on!

More Comfortable Temperatures

Cooking out is an ideal summer activity because turning on the stove can cause a heatwave in your kitchen. When you cook in the open air, you help disperse the heat into the atmosphere.

That said, grilling on a 100 degree August afternoon is still too hot for some intense grilling recipes. That’s why the fall is a great time to experiment with recipes requiring a longer grill time.

Try cast-iron pizzas or roasted chicken for a delicious and hearty fall cookout dinner.

Keep the Beer Flowing

What’s better than an ice-cold beer on a sweltering summer day? Not much. And grilling season coincides with beer season.

Fall grilling allows you to keep the beer flowing. There are so many seasonal beers worth trying. Pumpkin beers and harvest ales all pair well with traditional fall grilling foods.

Less Bugs

Insects can ruin any summer party. They fly into the food and bite you and your loved ones. No matter how many torches and candles you light, they always seem to find a way.

You don’t have to worry about insects in the fall. In the north, they die off, and your food and skin are all safe.

Keep the Party Going

The end of summer doesn’t mean the end of party season. A crisp and sunny fall afternoon can be one of the best times to be outdoors with loved ones.

Don’t hibernate too soon. Fire up the grill and break bread until the snow starts falling.

Get Your Money’s Worth This Grilling Season

Items like grills and smokers are investments. They can cost a lot of money, and that investment isn’t well spent if you use your grill once or twice a year.

Don’t stop using them because the weather turns. Tailgates and fall beers are a great reason to extend the grilling season.

Do you want more home cooking tips? Make sure to check out the rest of our page.