How to prepare tasty and spicy soya chunks at your homes?

Soya chunks have lots of health benefits and it is rich in protein content that exceeds eggs, meat and milk. It can reduce the menopausal problems in women and it acts as a good source of isoflavones. Hotels and restaurants offer many soya recipes at variable price hikes. You can also prepare at your home and it will reduce the cost and offer health benefits comparatively. Soya chunks price may vary hotel to hotel and it is a good enriched source of vitamins and minerals.

Vegetarian food items sometimes get the boring recipe for being labor-intensive, but nothing could be far away from the fact when you cook with the soya chunks. Small-sized soya chunks or nuggets are tasty to eat along with meat, and it is less fuss to prepare soon. You need to rehydrate the soya chunks, and soya chunks are ready to go. If you want to get the best flavor, remove the excess water and marinate the soya pieces.

Soya chunks

Soya chunk is a variety of textured vegetable protein (TVP) which is a rich source of protein, vitamins, minerals omega 3 fatty acids and oils. The nutritional content of soya chunk makes you cook healthy food that is equal to meat. When you are shopping for vegetarian food items, you might have also similar items like meal maker and soya nuggets and all these products are made from a soya flavor, and if you need to buy them as granules, chunks, flakes, and strips.

Without any extra added flavor of soya chunks, the taste of soya is quite bland though it is somewhat chewy like meat. For making the soya more taste, You have to add extra flavors with spice, salt and herbs to eat in a delicious sauce and lemon wedges.

Cooking process of soya chunks

  • Before starting the cooking process, first, immerse soya chunks in a bowl of water to rehydrate them for few mins. If you need to prepare quick, add 1 spoon of salt to a pressure pan and heat the water until it begins to boil well. Then add the soya chunks and cook well for about 5 minutes until it becomes soft. Drain off the water in the pan and place all the chunks in a bowl and you can ready to use this in your recipe to get a delicious taste.
  • If time does not matter for you, then you can cook in a slow process. Soak the soya chunks in a bowl containing water at room temperature for a few hours. Place a small lid on the top of the bowl to soak up the water evenly and remains submerged. After a few hours, it will be ready to cook.
  • Squeeze the soya chunks and soak it in a marinade. You should squeeze the chunks with clean hands and gently press it with a spoon. You can also cut large chunks in a knife or scissors.

The bottom line

Soya chunks price may vary according to the type of dish we choose. You can also buy soya chunks at discounted price hikes in online grocery shops. Use the above tips to cook a tasty and spicy soya chunk in your home itself.