A Taste of Freshness: Discovering Singapore’s Best Mini Fruit Tarts

Greetings, sweet-toothed explorers! If the thought of biting into a petite tart bursting with the vibrant flavors of fresh fruit gets your taste buds tingling, then buckle up! Today, we’re taking you on a tantalizing tour of the best spots to find mini fruit tarts in Singapore.


Our first stop is Bakerzin, an established local favorite that has been serving up delightful pastries for over 20 years1. Their mini fruit tarts are small yet mighty, boasting a dazzling array of fruits atop a velvety custard base1. Convenient online ordering makes Bakerzin a top contender in the mini fruit tarts Singapore scene1.

Tart Blanc

Next, we visit Tart Blanc, where each tart is a work of art. Their mini fruit tarts, filled with luscious custard and topped with a medley of fresh fruits, are as pleasing to the eye as they are to the palate2. With their innovative flavours like lychee-rose-raspberry, Tart Blanc offers a unique twist on the classic fruit tart2.

Patisserie Glacé

At Patisserie Glacé, the mini fruit tarts are a symphony of textures and tastes3. Each bite delivers the crunch of the tart shell, the creaminess of the custard, and the refreshing tang of fresh fruits3. Their set of 20 pieces is perfect for parties or simply for indulging in a fruity feast3.


Cedele’s mini fruit tarts are a wholesome treat4. They use only natural ingredients, ensuring each tart is not only delicious but also healthy4. If you’re looking for mini fruit tarts Singapore that are both tasty and guilt-free, Cedele is your go-to place4.

Pulse Patisserie

Our final stop is Pulse Patisserie, a modern dessert shop with a knack for creating visually stunning pastries5. Their mini fruit tarts are no exception, featuring a vibrant medley of fruits on a bed of luscious cream5. These tarts are as Instagrammable as they are delectable5.

Exploring these culinary gems gives us a newfound appreciation for the art of pastry-making. Each bakery brings its unique flair to the humble fruit tart, resulting in a myriad of delightful flavors and experiences. Whether you’re a seasoned foodie or a budding dessert lover, embarking on this journey to discover the best mini fruit tarts Singapore has to offer is a gastronomic adventure not to be missed.

Enjoy your sweet journey!