Which Alcohol to drink on New Year’s Eve?

That’s the question that might be more difficult to answer than you thought. Indeed most people would go to the liquor store littleton co or for that matter online liquor store and buy what they encounter first but that could be a huge mistake as it might ruin your new year eve as well as the first morning of the new year.

 No New Year eve celebration is complete without that bottle of your favourite alcohol. But sometimes the choices are so many that bewildered. Worry not we are here to help you with a few choices that would make your day or your evening of 31st.

We are almost done with the year 2021 and let’s face it was not one of the best of years to remember. With Pandemic and so much negativity all around people locked in homes, children debarred from playing outdoors there was so much in the year we would all love to forget about.

So when you go down to the liquor store englewood co to buy that bottle of champagne or wine it must be the best choice after all you want to say goodbye to the year which was more of a nightmare.

Indeed, New Year’s Eve is an excuse to day-drink, afternoon-drink, night-drink, wee-hours-of-the-morning-drink, and quite possibly continue drinking till you pass out.

 We’ve all heard the claim that champagne gets you drunk faster, an assertion that generations of partygoers have used to justify breaking out the bubbly for particularly festive occasions, along with particularly atrocious hangovers. According to credible research, champagne does get you drunk faster.

Champagne is great for getting you drunk fast, but it’s not the best choice for the marathon drinking many of us participate in on New Year’s Eve. This, of course, begs the question of what you should drink. We look at seven kinds of alcohol silverdale wa you’ll encounter and rate its efficiency in the ancient art of getting tipsy.


Let’s start with what you’re most likely to come up with by default Beer. Tragically, beer isn’t known for its high alcohol content; the majority are between three and seven per cent so may not be ideal for your heavy boozing.

White Wine

White wine may be delicious beyond all reason, but it’s only slightly more alcoholic than beer. Fortunately, it’s tastier, so the path to tipsiness won’t be as much of a chore.

Red Wine

Red wine is white wine’s badass older sister, and as such, it has higher alcohol content — usually around 12 per cent, which packs more of a punch than you’d think. yes you could go for it and enjoy the evening.


Whiskey’s alcohol content varies, but it’s typically around 40 per cent. it can reach up to 60 per cent. Ideal to make your evening, the special evening.

Vodka & Tequila

Despite tequila’s well-deserved reputation for wild nights, it shares a similar alcohol content to vodka, which is around 40 per cent alcohol. drink according to your limits if you know them.


Absinthe is known for its high alcohol content, which is typically between 55 and 72 per cent. If you want to get drunk, this is your drink, but be careful.

Grain Alcohols

Grain alcohols are drinkable, technically, but at 95 per cent alcohol, they’re practically better avoided. Not recommended but if you are fish and can swim well go for it.

There you have it! Enjoy your New Year’s Eve, but please don’t overdo it. Extremes take away the enjoyment and fill your head with a hangover the next day.