What Are the Health Benefits of Beef Jerky?

Did you know that 90g of beef jerky can provide you with 30g of protein?

Let’s be honest. Not many of us will think of beef jerky as a healthy snack. But actually, it can provide several health benefits that you may have overlooked. It is exceptionally nutritious as part of a low-carb and high protein diet.

Read on to discover some of the health benefits of beef jerky in our short guide below.

High In Protein

As we have already mentioned, beef jerky is a high-protein snack that will help you bulk up and gain muscle. It is also quick and easy to prepare fresh meats and a beef jerky gun at home. Making beef jerky yourself can be a super convenient way to get a healthier snack to pack into your gym bag.

It contains lots of amino acids found in proteins that our bodies can not replicate ourselves, so it is excellent for helping us repair muscle after a tough workout. It is also a great option if you eat a low-carb ketogenic diet as a quick snack to keep you going throughout the day.

High In Sources Of Iron and Zinc

Iron is an essential nutrient that we find in our red blood cells. A lack of iron in our diet can lead to anemia, making you feel very weak and tired all the time. One of the health benefits of beef jerky is rich in iron and can help you replace this nutrient in your body if needed.

Zinc is also critical for living a healthy lifestyle and is often considered the nutrient that keeps our immune system healthy and may even stave off colds. People usually take zinc supplements during winter to try and stay healthy and minimize the impact of a nasty cold.

Zinc can also heal tears in your muscles, so again is a great supplement to take after pumping iron at the gym.

Lower In Saturated Fats

As beef jerky is dried, it is lower in fat than types of other red meat. The grease is dried during the curing process and essentially removed from the meat, so a great beef jerky benefit can be that you will be getting less saturated fat into your diet overall.

Great Option For Diabetics

Because beef jerky is high protein and low carbohydrate, it is an excellent tool for managing your blood sugar if you have diabetes and have to watch your carbohydrate intake every day. Making your own beef jerky can be a great way to keep your blood sugars low and use up less insulin throughout the day.

Health Benefits of Beef Jerky

Hopefully, this article has shown you some good health benefits of beef jerky. It is a healthy snack that can keep you going throughout the day, and it is easy to make yourself at home.

If you haven’t tried some homemade beef jerky, you really should give it a go today.

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