How To Eat Stone Crab

Eating stone crab is an epic eating experience. If you have not had the mystical experience of cracking the shell of one of these delicious creatures to get to their succulent meat then you are truly missing out.

Crab is one of the most delicious seafood items in existence, and stone crab is specifically synonymous with Florida. But knowing how to eat stone crab isn’t something that they teach in school.

Let us guide you in the ancient art of savoring crab, or as Florida natives call it, allowing yourself to “crab up”.

How to Eat Stone Crab 101: Cracking the Claws

First, crack the crab claws open with a crab mallet or hammer. If you don’t have a crab mallet, you can use a blunt object like a screwdriver or the back of a chef’s knife.

Be careful not to damage the meat inside the claws. Once the claws open, the meat can be easily removed with a fork.

Stone crab is usually served with a dipping sauce. You can eat it plain, with just a little bit of salt and pepper.

The Dos and Don’ts of Eating Stone Crab

There are a few things to keep in mind when eating stone crab. Do not eat the crab if it is not properly cooked. The stone crab should be boiled or steamed for three to five minutes, or until the shells turn red.

Do not eat the crab if it is not fresh. Stone crab is best eaten within two days of being caught. If you are buying stone crab and unsure of the freshness, ask your seafood market when the crab was caught.

Do not eat the crab if it has not been properly cooled. The crab should be placed in an ice bath for at least 30 minutes to ensure that it is properly cooled.  For the best quality, taste, and experience, get stone crab claws here.

The Best Sauce to Enjoy Stone Crabs

There is no one definitive answer to this question as everyone enjoys their stone crab differently. Some people prefer to simply dip the crab in melted butter, while others enjoy a more elaborate sauce.

A popular sauce to enjoy stone crab is a mixture of mayonnaise, mustard, and ketchup, which is often referred to as “stone crab sauce”. This vinegar-based sauce is perfect for dipping and really brings out the flavor of the crab.

Drinks to Serve With Stone Crabs

Drinking options with stone crabs are vast and range in alcoholic content. Some examples include beer, wine, champagne, and cocktails. When mixing cocktails, avoid anything overly sweet or with too much acid, as it will overwhelm the delicate taste of the crab.

A good rule of thumb is to keep it light and bubbly, such as a prosecco or light beer. For wine, a Pinot Grigio or Sauvignon Blanc are both excellent choices.

Eating the Delicious Stone Crab

If you’re looking for a delicious seafood experience, look no further than stone crab. Follow the steps on how to eat stone crab and you’ll be enjoying delicious crab in no time. Cracking into these bad boys can be messy, but it’s so worth it.

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