Hot Pili Pili Sauce:  Add An Exciting Savoury Taste To Your Dishes 

The Pili Pili Sauce takes inspiration from the authentic African hot sauce named Obe Ata. It is famous for its feisty combination of spicy yet savoury taste. The versatile hot sauce can be used as a dipper for your tortillas and tacos or on popular dishes made of fish, rice and more. 

Introduce A Rich Smokiness To Your BBQ Parties With Pili Pili Sauce

Pili refers to ‘Spicy’ or ‘Pepper’ in Swahili. Tropical in taste, the sauce is whipped-up with red pepper, scotch bonnets, and homemade spices and herbs. If that doesn’t sound convincing enough, the sauce also contains bay leaf, garlic, ginger, parsley, thyme, rapeseed oil, red, white vinegar, onions, etc. These make it a great addition to your BBQ and grilled meat.

Try The Extra Zest Of Pili Pili

The hot sauce from Succulento Ltd is considered one of the hottest yet the tastiest sauce ever, which brings about that extra zest to all your favourite dishes. The Pili Pili is one such condiment hailing from Africa’s Ivory Coast and Congo. It derives its name because of its extreme heat factor. Pili Pili got such a strange yet catchy name because the sauce is so hot that you might have to pronounce ‘pepper’ twice.

What Makes Pili Pili Sauce So Interesting?

Pili Pili’s flavour revolves around the intense heat of the African bird’s eye chilli, finished out with the savoury taste of onion and garlic. The golden Pili Pili sauce takes pride in its thick texture and is punctuated with red pepper bits. The subtle and exciting taste of the Pili Pili sauce is contributed by the slight and bright acidity rendered by the vinegar.

How To Use Pili Pili Sauce?

  • You can drizzle the sauce on almost any dish that you love. You can consider spicing your regular eggs with the sauce or even your sauteed veggies and grilled meats.
  • This sauce is an excellent option to bring some heat and depth to your rice bowls.
  • You can mix the Pili Pili sauce with your standard tomato ketchup for a great dip accompaniment with crispy fried potatoes.
  • It doubles as an extravagant salad dressing element as well.

The Pili Pili sauce is meant for you for those who fancy piping hot taste. Once you smell and taste the sauce, you will love it. Unlike other hot sauces, this one is slightly lumpier and thicker. It brings about a new interesting zesty, and hot flavour to traditional cuisine.