Eat like a body builder depending on the goal you have

People often ask how to eat like a bodybuilder. Well, the question has no definite answers. Eating foods like a giant elephant will not going to work, for sure. There must be a balance. It is always important to be aware that a bodybuilder’s diet is capable of changing depending on what one wants to achieve in terms of progress and results. To gain a well-developed musculature it is necessary to eat more often. When you want a muscle loss, it is essential to have a decrease in food intake. The important thing in a bodybuilder’s diet is to determine the amount of calories you need to consume daily.

It is not just the calories

Besides calories, it is essential to understand how to separate nutrients between meals. This separation is between proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Proteins are essential as they serve to build muscle, are responsible for building and repairing muscle fibers. Carbohydrates are important to bring more strength. When taken in food, they are stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles. Fats need to be included in the diet, as they give energy support to the muscles, strengthen the immune system, adjust body temperature, help preserve skin flexibility, give the body a feeling of satisfaction and help in the ingestion of significant nutrients that are the vitamins K, E, D and A.

Advantages of a diet for bodybuilders

There are several benefits of a bodybuilder diet, one of which is the health associated with this practice. Resistance training increases muscle strength and size. This strength is highly correlated with a lower risk of cancer, heart and kidney disease, as well as several other serious conditions. Aerobic workouts reduce body fat. It improves heart health and considerably lowers your risk of developing heart disease. Exercising a healthy eating pattern, including nutrient-rich foods from all food groups in appropriate amounts, can substantially reduce the risk of chronic disease.

What are the best foods for a bodybuilder’s diet?

The foods you eat like a bodybuilder include –

  • Meat and fish – steak, ground beef, pork loin, chicken breast, salmon, tilapia, etc.
  • Dairy products – yogurt, cottage cheese, skim milk and cheese.
  • Grains – Bread, cereals, biscuits, oats, quinoa, popcorn and rice.
  • Fruits – Oranges, apples, bananas, grapes, pears, peaches, watermelon and fruits.
  • Vegetables rich in starch – potatoes, corn, peas, green beans and cassava.
  • Vegetables – broccoli, spinach, green leafy salad, tomatoes, green beans, cucumbers, zucchini, asparagus, peppers and mushrooms.
  • Seeds and Nuts – almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, chia seeds and flax seeds.
  • Beans and vegetables – chickpeas, lentils.
  • Oils – Olive oil, linseed and avocado.

The bulking diet

Bulking diet is the way used by professionals to gain weight and muscle mass. The purpose is to eat more calories than you can burn, and especially those that are more beneficial, such as light dairy products, eggs, non-fat meats and Whey Protein. In this diet, the aim is to acquire the greatest amount of muscle mass, and gain less fat. The diet has a higher intake of more complex carbohydrates, such as rice and whole grain bread. This type of diet has optimal amounts of complex carbohydrates, good fats and lean protein.

The cutting diet

The Cutting Diet will remove excess fat, and maintain your muscle mass. The caloric intake is much less than in the Bulking diet, reducing carbohydrates too much. Protein will be the main component in meals. With the absence of carbohydrates, fat becomes the main fuel, for example, Ketogenic diet. However, you cannot consume too much fat, making your meals too caloric. In cutting diet, you cannot completely remove the fat, but control its consumption, because its lack can affect the production of hormones such as testosterone. However, do not forget to include green vegetable into your diet plan.