5 Tips on Storing Your Halloween Candy

When you’re surrounded by an abundance of Halloween candy, it’s understandable that you might be tempted by all those rich sweets and want to gorge on them right away. However, if you do that, you put yourself at risk for tooth decay, not to mention a potential stomach ache. You need to learn to indulge in them a little bit at a time. When you have a huge stock of wholesale bon bons at your house and you want them to last as long as possible, you must know the proper storage techniques for your Halloween candy. Here are some tips that can help you out.

1. The pantry is your best bet.

Although it might not be the most secure place for candy temptations, keeping your candy fresh in the pantry can help you to keep it safe. The kitchen pantry is cool, dark and dry, so it doesn’t get too hot or cold. Basements are also an option as long as they aren’t damp or have no pest problems.

2. Keep the moist candies away from the dry ones.

Don’t worry if you are unsure how to tell whether a candy is soft or hard. Treats like hard candies, non-chocolate mints, and caramels are generally considered absorbent. These candies are like little sugar sponges that are thirsty.

Fudge and creamy candies, which melt quickly in your mouth, are considered moist. These candies can lose their moisture to absorbent candy, which can make them hard and sticky. Store these sweets separately.

3. Chocolates can last for as long as a couple of years if you store them right.

The National Confectioners Association states that dark chocolate can last for up to 2 years when wrapped in foil and kept in cool, dark, and dry places. These treats can be stored in basements or pantries. You have a shorter time period to enjoy your milk or white chocolate if you are keeping it in a stash. These types of chocolate should be kept between 8 to 10 months.

4. However, be careful of candies or chocolate bars that contain any sort of fruits or nuts.

An appropriately stored bar of candy or chocolate can last for several years. However, the same cannot be said for one that contains nuts or fruits. It has been reported that candy bars have high sugar content and low moisture. This combination prevents microbial growth, and keeps them edible for a very long time. However, nuts can spoil within a year, or much earlier if stored openly. Also, fruit can go bad quicker than chocolate.

5. Dust any hard candy, such as lollipops, with sugar before storing them.

You can store hard candy for later consumption, but here are some key points to keep in mind.

If stored in cool, dry places away from heat and humidity, hard candies can last for up to one year. Sprinkle hard candies with finely ground sugar to prevent them from absorbing moisture from the air. If there is any moisture in the container, wrapping each candy individually in cellophane will help to prevent them from sticking together.