5 Impressive Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee

Did you know that over 83% of American adults drink coffee? 

Yes, a lot of people drink coffee because of the taste. However, there are health benefits to drinking coffee too. It’s not simply about drinking for the sake of it.

What are the benefits of coffee? Discover the reasons you should consider sipping a few coffee drinks each day with our list below:

1. Keeps You Awake

One of the most commonly known coffee benefits is that it helps keep you awake and alert. Coffee contains a high amount of caffeine. This chemical blocks adenosine receptors in your brain, which prevents you from getting sleepy.

This also affects the production of norepinephrine and dopamine. These affect things like your mood (more on that below) and your response time. You’ll feel more active and awake after drinking coffee.

2. Helps You Lose Weight

Yes, coffee can also help you shed some weight. It boosts your body’s metabolic rate, which increases the body’s capability to burn fat. Some types of coffee also contain a high amount of chlorogenic acid, which slows down the body’s absorption of carbohydrates. 

Some types of coffee help boost bowel movement. These contain a higher amount of fiber.

3. Reduces Risk of Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s Disease is the world’s second-leading type of neurodegenerative condition, only behind Alzheimer’s. The main cause of this condition is the decay of dopamine generators in the brain. Coffee helps fight this because it boosts dopamine production.

People who drink coffee therefore reduce the risk of Parkinson’s Disease. This relies strongly on the caffeine level in the drink. People who drink decaf coffee don’t enjoy this benefit.

4. Fights Depression

Don’t forget that coffee contains chlorogenic acid, ferulic acid, and caffeic acid. All of these work on brain nerves that medical experts link with depression. Coffee also boosts the production of dopamine, which helps keep a person’s mood up.

You don’t even need to solely rely on the drink itself. The routine of making coffee can help keep your mood positive. Maintaining your espresso machine and cleaning with a good coffee grinder brush can help too.

5. Lower Risk of Diabetes

Caffeine helps your body process glucose, which refers to the sugar in your bloodstream. It also helps lower insulin sensitivity and can work on your body’s glucose tolerance. Put these together and you can rely on coffee to reduce the risk of diabetes. 

Start Drinking Coffee Today

There are many benefits of drinking coffee and they go beyond helping you stay awake. Yes, you can drink coffee to finish work, stay alert, and do schoolwork but a few cups a day can also strengthen your body. You can fight diabetes, depression, and more with a few cups every day.

But why stop with this list of coffee benefits? If you enjoyed our guide and are looking for additional health tips, we’ve got you covered. Continue reading our lists today for more food and culinary guides!